Thursday, 3 January 2013
New Year / New Lambs
It's that adorable time of year again - lambing season. The ewes in Jerry's flock have already had nine. All singletons, no twins, and more lambs to come.
I could have gone down to the sheep barn on New Year's Day when Bea and Jerry had a small party. Not being dressed for muck and mire it seemed prudent
to wait until I was more suitably attired. Jeremy came into the barn with me in case the ram was feeling protective of the ewes and lambs, and considered me a threat.
He even caught a lamb for me to cuddle, while mama baaa-ed her concern.
. . . . .
The barn is very well set up for lambing season. There are three pens along one wall. At this time of year the front is closed off
with a sheet of plywood. A ewe and her newborn lamb will be confined here so they can bond. When all ewes have lambed
the plywood is removed. The pens now have three bars, each sleeved with a piece of PVC pipe. Called a "creep", young lambs
can enter but sheep are excluded. This allows lambs to feed from the trough along the creep wall while excluding larger animals.
Such an appealing time of year. Inquisitive little lambs to whom the world is a strange and interesting place.
They pronk around, bouncing stiff-legged. Chase about with friends. Run up to mama and head butt
her udder for a drink, dropping to their knees in front while tail goes around like a propeller. Then nap.
And awaken to do it all again.