Read my article, Carpeting a Woodland with Bulbs which appeared in Fine Gardening magazine.
Here's my answer to a Fine Gardening reader's question asking about shrubs for wet sites, one for plants for a steep slope, and another query about combining perennials and bulbs
Read an article about my garden, Spring Wonders which appeared in Country Living Gardener magazine.
Read my column, Defending Your Patch which appeared in Hersam-Acorn Press Home Section
Here's an article about coaxing spring blooming bulbs into winter flowers that appeared in Real Simple magazine.
A column in The Human Flower Project about the Buried Treasures exhibit that I curated at the New York Botanical Gardens.
And a column I wrote for the Human Flower Project about kiku at the New York Botanical Garden
Here's a column about bulbs that appeared in the New York Times which includes comments and observations that I made. Ditto this article that appeared in the Christian Science Monitor
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