
Garden Diary - January 2025

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We Wish You a Merry Fruitcake
in January 2025

I have been baking fruitcake for multiple decades. Availability of the candied fruit has changed over the years. In the beginning it was seasonably to be found at a Westport Connecticut grocery store. The orange peel, lemon peel, and citron melon were in halves. Pineapple was in rings. Time passed. The Connecticut store no longer offered candied fruit. I searched. It was available at Bell-Bates in New York City. Cut into dice. At least it was available. By 2013 (or possibly earlier) all that Belle-Bates offered was tutti fruitti, everything diced and mixed together. No thank you. Tried the International Market. No. Keep searching. And settled on The Larder in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Bless them, I phone in my order late in November, they pack it up and ship it to me. And I can contine to bake so that everyone on my list may be wished a merry fruitcake and a happy new year.

I order 3/4 pound each of lemon and orange peel, and candied pineapple,
and one pound of candied citron. All are diced. One and a quarter pound
of whole candied cherries. Dark and yellow raisins are purchased locally.

Candied fruit is measured into a large bowl, along with raisins macerated in brandy.

First batch of fruitcake just out of the oven. I'll bake two more batches. Used to be
candied fruit was the most expensive ingredient. This year eggs and butter are costly.

Fruitcake itself can be an ingredient. Here's one possibility.

Tools for uniformly slicing fruitcake - a cake breaker as measuring tool, and a knife.

Cut in every third space of the cake breaker. Use a small can to shape rounds.
Save the scraps of fruitcake. Make a glaze of confectioner's sugar and brandy.

And the attractive (and tasty) finished dessert of glazed fruitcake rounds.

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