
Garden Diary - Book Reviews 2024

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Book Reviews, 2024 edition

Private Gardens of Philadelphia, a book review

Reviewed August 2024

Growing Bulbs in the Natural Garden, a book review

Reviewed July 2024

The Tulip Garden, a book review

image copyright Andrew Montgomery, provided courtesy Phaidon Press

Reviewed June 2024

The Lavender Companion, a book review

Photography by Tosca Radigonda. All rights reserved. Used with permission from Storey Publishing.

Reviewed May 2024

A Year Full of Pots, a book review

image courtesy Bloomsbury Publishing, copyright Johnathan Buckley all rights reserved

Reviewed May 2024

Still, the Art of Noticing, a book review

image courtesy Phaidon Publishing

Reviewed April 2024

Making Fairy Garden Accessories, a book review

image courtesy Fox Chapel Publishing all rights reserved

Reviewed April 2024

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