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Upcoming in June:
Cottage Gardens Then and Now
presented by Judy Glattstein
at Reeves-Reed Arboretum
Thursday, June 9 from 1:30 pm to 2:45 pm
As the third speaker in their Notable Garden Speaker series I will be sharing a profusely illustrated lecture about Cottage Gardens Then and Now at the Reeves-Reed Arboretum in Summit, New Jersey on June 9.
Today, our image is of an idealized storybook cottage adrift in a casual, unplanned sea of flowers: roses and foxgloves, peonies, irises, and hollyhocks. But once upon a time, in the beginning, a traditional English cottage garden would have surrounded a workingman's cottage with vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers. You are sure to come away with some ideas for your own garden.
Light refreshments will be served.
Registration is required, $10 arboretum members / $25 non-members.
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