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Saturday's Six
Saturday, 24 April 2021
Following "The Propagator," the originator of Six on Saturday with a selection of half a dozen bulbs, perennials, and a wild flower blooming at the moment in my garden.
Introduced over 100 years ago, in 1916, Narcissus 'Thalia' is an
elegant triandrus cultivar with two or three nodding pure white
flowers. It is long lived in both casual woodland or formal border.
The label has vanished so I cannot offer a name for this attractive
trumpet daffodil with white petals and a rose pink cup. Suggestions?
Ask, and you might get an answer. My friend Jim Waddick in chilly Kansas City, Missouri (zone 5) said ". . . but assuming this is not a real new variety and it is good grower, i think it is 'Pink Charm'. I coincidentally lost the id and did some feeble research to come up with this name a week or so ago." Thank you, Jim.
Summer snowflake, Leucojum aestivum. Yes, it is later than spring snowflake
which was in flower in mid-March. Somewhat later April is not summer, now is it.
This picture is deceiving as the wildflower is only a few inches tall.
It is Anemonella thalictroides, sort of like an anemone flower
with leaves somewhat like those of a thalictrum. See, easy Latin.
I think this is my favorite primrose. It is Primula kisoana, from Japan. It spreads
with barely subsurface runners, has fuzzy leaves shaped like a maple, and these
wonderfully vivid, fuchsia colored flowers. Loves the woodland, winter dormant.
Bleeding heart used to have the Latin name of Dicentra spectablis. It has now
been shifted to genus of its own, and referred to as Lamprocapnos spectabilis.
However, the folk tales attached to "bleeding heart" can still entertain us.
Do you know them? Perhaps, perhaps not. Allow me to share.
A single mature flower, upside down and teased open becomes "the lady in her bath."
But the better, longer story, for entertaining young children and easily amused gardeners . . .
There once was a young man who was in love with a haughty lady. While trying to win her heart
he brought her a pair of pink rabbits. "Rabbits, shmabbits." she said
with a toss of her head, "A fur coat, now, that would be different"
Nothing daunted, he brought her a pair of earrings. She whipped out a jeweler's loupe for
a closer inspection. Tossed the earrings away, muttering something about "no jewels, the fool."
Somewhat discouraged, the young man thought things over. She didn't want the rabbits,
disliked the earrings . . . . What could he give her that would show his love. Aha!
He got a pair of cozy slippers. Surely she would see how forever after he would
cosset and care for her. Alas. She rejected this gift just as she had the others.
Desolate, the would-be lover took his dagger and stabbed himself in the heart.
As he lay dying the haughty young lady suddenly realized how foolish she had been.
What greater gift could he have offered than what he had, true love. And ever since,
on the anniversary of his death it is her proud heart that now weeps and bleeds for love.
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