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Designed for Nature
Garden of Wendy Margolis, in Doylestown
Saturday, 19 June 2021
Our first garden is that of Wendy Margolis in Doylestown, actually number 3 on the tour. An urban corner property, the goal was creation of a garden useful to wildlife - insects and birds - that is also attractive to people.
As soon as Lynn, Geoff, and I walk up to the entrance this is quite obvious. A female old field cedar is loaded with berries. A diversity of birds, from robins to cedar waxwings and grosbeaks use the berries for winter food and the dense evergreen branches for shelter from the cold. People make use of the berries too - gin, anyone? And the citrusy, lemony flavor combines well with cabbage, duck, pork, and especially venison.
A Japanese flair, with the tree roots framing a pathway's stepping stone,
to the side of Canada ginger, Asarum canadensis, as a dense groundcover.
After having a drink or taking a bath (do note the rock perch in the birdbath)
birds appreciate a place to perch and dry off. This open, rustic screen does
just that, also framing the little vignette while making use of pruning debris.
A small pond complete with a little waterfall adds music to the garden.
The sound attracts birds, and plants were chosen to attract dragonflies.
Water is everywhere made use of. What falls on the house roof
is collected in a rain barrel for watering plants when it is dry.
Off to one side of the house, opposite from the path into the garden, is a magnificent catio.
It provides Simon, a year old, 20 pound, Norwegian forest cat, with outdoor access so he can
enjoy sunshine and grass under his paws, places to climb. All while keeping the birds safe.
This bumblebee is so intent with foraging on this milkweed that I was
able to gentle pet it with the tip of my little finger. But only just once.
A magnificent specimen of Indian Pink, Spigelia marilandica. I'm sure the name
could be found on many visitors' "must have" list. Easy to grow in partial shade,
tolerates dry conditions. And attracts hummingbirds who nectar on its tubular
red and yellow flowers. The trick is where to find a place to purchase the plant.
Cleverly planted trees and shrubbery create a secluded garden
in the city. Bird song is augmented with water music of the pond,
the sound of leaves rustling in a breeze, and delicate wind chimes.
Flowers in today's garden. I also noticed foliage from plants that performed in early spring, such as Jack-in-the-pulpit, Arisaema triphyllum, and twin leaf, Jeffersonia diphylla. Later will come fall asters cardinal flower, Lobelia cardinalis (also popular with hummingbirds.) Clearly a garden to delight the senses all year round.
Onward. There are more gardens to visit today.
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