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Monday, 13 May 2013
A Foraging We Will Go
Have you ever wanted to go foraging? Perhaps you do forage, just a little, and want to learn more, more about healthy spring greens and other shoots, leaves, flowers, fruits that add unique and delicious flavors to your diet. I'm teaching a class on June 1st that could be just what you are looking for. We'll talk not about the merely edible but focus on the tasty and delicious. Wild plants that are sometimes called "weeds" and also those you might be growing as ornamentals, unaware that they are also edible.
Flowers, shoots, and roots of the common tawny daylily, for example.
The class is coming up soon, in just a couple of weeks.
Dandelions, brought from Europe to the United States as an edible, now escaped naturalized weeds.
Ditto garlic mustard.
We'll talk about what to harvest, how to collect, storage techniques, and even some recipes. Hope to see you there!