Garden Diary - June 2012

Sunday, 17 June 2012
Atlock Nursery

An invitation popped up in my mailbox. Atlock Farm was having an open house on Sunday, 17 June. Come visit. Discounts of 25% to 50% on plants. And you could have a hot dog too. What's not to like! I marked it on my calendar and on the appropriate day at a suitable time off Paul and I went. Easy enough to get to - for us it is just a matter of going south on Route 287. Take exit 12, Weston Canal Road in Somerset, New Jersey. Turn left at the bottom of the exit ramp, drive for not very long and bingo, there's Atlock Farm on your left. People are strolling around the grounds, looking at plants for sale and choosing some to come home with them. People strolling around the grounds and admiring the display gardens.

Picnic time. People are gathering around the barbie, getting hot dogs and accoutrements. As well,
there's a keg of excellent root beer. Just be careful to not get a glass filled with foam, no root beer.

Ken, wearing one of his inimitable collection of hats,
answering questions and selling plants.

Issabird, out of the greenhouse for a summer's worth of fresh air. Look and admire, talk to her,
but for heaven's sake don't try to touch. Only Ken has that privilege. P.S., her sex is confirmed -
Issabird laid an egg. First one in the 5 years she's been living here. And of course, it's sterile.

The tubbed citrus trees are also out of the greenhouse for the summer. Loaded with fruit and flowers,
a two-fer that citrus are well know for. I shall have to check back this fall, in marmalade making season.

So incredibly fragrant.

Staghorn fern, or perhaps moosehead would be more appropriate. Also enjoying
a summer vacation in the open air. Just picture the effort to lift it up into the tree!

Herringbone brick path stepping down between a couple of the display gardens.
Ignore the puddles here and there. Ken assured me that it may rain before and
it may rain afterward, but in all the years he's been hosting this event never
has it rained for the actual open house. He has an in with the weather gods?

A weathered little shed, covered with vines and embellished with a lace cap hydrangea.


Do you like this garden? It's not really a garden, you must understand,
merely pots of Stachys for sale and a trio of very simple bird baths.

The wonderful containers at Atlock Farm, all planted up for instant embellishment of your garden
when you bring the new purchase home, are but one option. Another is to chose a container -
terra cotta or glazed - and then choose plants to have the staff plant them, or do it yourself.


. . . . . .

As well as plants and gardens, parrots (but no pirates) Atlock Farm has room for whimsy. Perhaps
a mythological twist, with a unicorn, or travel in time with a dinosaur. Always, options and possibilities.

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